➭ Recruiting information
Thu, 26 Aug 2021

The discipline has always adhered to the synergetic development between basic theory and applied research, actively carried out research on different plant groups, and encouraged independent and original innovation research within the current direction, so that the discipline construction has achieved rapid development. In recent years, it has successively undertaken scientific research projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, International Cooperation Projects, the Ministry of Education’s research start-up fund for returned overseas personnel, the Ministry of Education’s New Century Talent Support Program, the Hebei Province Outstanding Experts’ Overseas Training Program, and the Hebei Province Natural Science Foundation. There are more than 70 items and a total of 560 scientific research papers published, including more than 80 papers included in SCI, 10 textbooks and monographs.

This discipline closely focuses on key scientific issues such as comprehensive utilization of plant resources, ecological environment evaluation and bioremediation, modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, anti-stress fungi and the discovery of functional gene resources, and encourages interdisciplinary and fusion, and conducts innovative research and applied technology research and development from different levels. Improve the content of disciplines and the quality of talent training. This degree is divided into five research directions, namely, mycorrhizal biology and ecological restoration, medicinal plant chemistry, plant molecular biology, plant rhizosphere nutrition and alien plant invasion, ecology of global climate change. The five research directions are not only mutually independent, but also cross and complement each other in content and methods, and focus on the systematic integrity and development and innovation of the botanical specialty.

The courses offered mainly include: advanced botany, botany research technology, mycorrhizal biology, plant ecology, plant molecular biology, biochemistry and molecular biology technology, natural medicinal chemistry, advanced plant physiology, plant diversity protection and utilization.