➭ Scholarships
International Chinese Language Teacher Scholarship
Thu, 26 Aug 2021


For the purpose of cultivating qualified Chinese language teachers and promoting the development of Chinese language education, the Confucius Institute Headquarters launches “International Chinese Language Teacher Scholarship”(Confucius Institute Scholarship) to support outstanding students, scholars and currently employed Chinese language teachers recommended by Confucius Institutes, independently operated Confucius Classrooms, HSK test centers, Chinese language education departments in foreign universities and organizations, as well as  Chinese consulates abroad (hereinafter to be collectively referred to as “recommending institutions”) to study in Chinese universities and colleges. Hebei University is one of the host institutions from 2009.







年龄为 16-35 周岁(统一以 2020 年 9 月 1 日计)。在职汉语教师放宽至 45 周岁,本科奖学金申请者一般不超过25 周岁。

All applicants shall be

a)      Non-Chinese citizens

b)      In good Physical and mental health, well performed both academically and behaviorally

c)      Aspired to pursue future careers on Chinese language teaching or international promotion of Chinese language.

d)      Between the ages of 16-35 (by September 1st, 2020). Applicants currently worked as Chinese language teachers should be under age 45, while undergraduate students should be under 25.



Scholarship types & qualifications


2020年 9 月入学,资助期限为 2 年。

具有大学本科学历。汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(五级)210 分、HSKK(中级)60 分。提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议或相关证明者优先。

Scholarship for Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL)

Commences September 2020 and provides scholarship for maximum two academic years.  Applicants shall be Bachelor degree holders, and have a minimum score of 210 in HSK Test (Level 5) as well as 60 in HSKK test (Intermediate Level). Applicants who are able to provide notarized document of the employment agreement or related proofs upon completing study in China are preferred. 



2020年 9 月入学,资助期限为 4 年。

具有高中学历。汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(四级)210 分、HSKK(中级)60 分。

.     Scholarship for Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (BTCSOL)

Commences September 2020 and provides scholarship for maximum four academic years. Applicants must have graduated with a high school diploma, , and have a minimum score of 210 in HSK Test (Level 4) as well as 60 in HSKK test (Intermediate Level). 


2020 年 9 月入学,资助期限为 11 个月。不录取在华留学生。


3.1 汉语国际教育

汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)270 分,具有 HSKK 成绩。

3.2 汉语言文学、中国历史、中国哲学

汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(四级)180 分、HSKK(中级)60 分。

3.3 汉语研修

汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)210 分,提供HSKK成绩者优先。


Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study

Commences September 2020, and provides scholarship for maximum 11 months. International students currently studying in China are not eligible.

i.       TCSOL

Applicants shall have a minimum score of 270 in HSK test (Level 3), while HSKK test score required.

ii.      Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History, and Chinese Philosophy

Applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 in HSK test (Level 4) and 60 in HSKK test (intermediate level).

iii.     Chinese Language Study

Applicants shall have a minimum score of 210 in HSK test (Level 3).Applicants with HSKK score would be considered favorably.



2020年 9 月、2021年 3 月入学,资助期限为 5 个月。不录取护照上有X1、X2 签证者。

4.1 汉语国际教育、汉语言文学、中国历史、中国哲学

汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)180 分,具有 HSKK 成绩。

4.2 中医、太极文化

具有 HSK 成绩,同时提供HSKK成绩者优先。

 Scholarship for One-Semester Study

Commences either in September 2020or March 2021, and provides scholarship of maximum 5 months. Applicants withholding visas X1 or X2 are not eligible.

i.       TCSOL, Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History and Chinese Philosophy

Applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 in HSK test (Level 3), while HSKK test score required

ii.       Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taiji Culture

HSK test score are required. Applicants with HSKK score would be considered favorably.



2020 年 7 月或 12 月入学,资助期限为 4 周。不录取护照上有X1、X2 签证者。


具有 HSK 成绩。由孔子学院组团进行报名,并事先联系接收院校确定在华学习计划,提前报总部审批,每团 10-15 人。


Scholarship for Four-Week Study

Commences either on July or December of 2020, and provides a four-week scholarship. Applicants withholding visas X1 or X2 are not eligible.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taiji Culture

Chinese Language plus home-stay Experience in a Chinese Family

Special Four-week Program for Confucius Institutes

For these three programs, HSK test score are required. It will be organized and applied through a Confucius Institute, with 10-15 participants per group. Prior to the trip, a detailed study plan shall be made after consultation with host institutions and submitted to the headquarters for approval.





2020 年 3 月 1 日起,申请者可登录国际中文教师奖学金(孔子学院奖学金)报名网站(cis.chinese.cn)申请孔子学院奖学金。

登录奖学金网站,查询推荐机构与接收院校; 在线提交申请材料,关注申请进程、审核意见与奖学金评审结果;奖学金获得者与接收院校确认办理来华留学手续,在线打印获奖证书;按录取通知书规定的时间入学报到。


1.4 月 10 日(7 月入学)。

2.5 月 10 日(9 月入学)。

3.9 月 10 日(12 月入学)。

4.11 月 10 日(2021年 3 月入学)。

汉办集中评审,择优资助,于入学前 约3 个月完成奖学金评审工作,公布评审结果。

Online registration will be available from March 1, 2020 on the Confucius Institute Scholarship website (cis.chinese.cn). Please log on to search recommending institutions and host institutions, upload application materials online, and track the application progress, feedback of review and admission results. Scholarship holders need to confirm with the host institutions to go through the procedures of studying in China, print out CIS certificate online, and register at host institutions at the designated date and time as per the letter of admission.

The application deadlines are

a)      April 10th (for those commencing in July)

b)      May 10th (for those commencing in September)

c)      September 10th (for those commencing in December)

d)      November 10th (for those commencing in March 2021)

The Confucius Institute Headquarters will complete the scholarship review and publish the results three months before enrollment.





在各类汉语桥比赛中获得 2020 年度“孔子学院奖学金证书”者,登录国际中文教师奖学金(孔子学院奖学金)网站,凭奖学金证书向目标接收院校提交申请材料。



Chinese Bridge winners who have been awarded the 2019 “Confucius Institute Scholarship Certificate” shall log onto the scholarship website and submit documents to relevant host institutions upon presentation of their CIS certificates. Please contact chinesebridge@hanban.org for inquiry.





1. 申请者须了解目标接收院校的具体招生条件及报名截止时间,按照相关规定提交申请材料。

2. 学历生须参加年度评审,详见《孔子学院奖学金年度评审办法》。

3. 未按时报到、入学体检不合格、中途退学、休学者, 取消奖学金资格。


1) Applicants should be aware of the detailed application requirement and deadlines of their target institutions and submit application documents as instructed.

2)  Degree students shall accept the annual assessment under the Annual Appraisal Procedures of Confucius Institute Scholarship

3)  Those who failed to register on time, failed to pass the health assessment, dropped out midway and/or suspended will be deprived of scholarship.





      联系人: 顾老师





Address: College of International Communication and Education,HBU

No.180, Wusi East Road, Baoding, Hebei Province, China

Postcode: 071002

Ms. Gu

E-mail: cishbu@126.com

Website: /
























Confucius Institute Scholarship Coverage and Criteria

The Confucius Institute Scholarship provides full coverage on tuition fee, accommodation fee, living allowance (four-week study students are excluded) and comprehensive medical insurance expenses.

a)      Tuition fee is to pay for teaching and managing scholarship students, organizing cultural and social activities, as well as organizing Chinese language proficiency tests. Tuition fee does not cover the textbook expenses and tourist tickets.

b)      Accommodation fee is under the overall planning and utilization of Hebei University to provide students with on-campus apartments (usually double-bed).

c)      Living allowance is granted on a monthly basis. The monthly allowance for undergraduates, one-academic-year study students or one-semester students is 2,500 CNY per person. For MTCSOL student, the monthly allowance is 3,000 CNY per person.

Students are required to complete enrollment procedures for every semester within stipulated period; otherwise, their scholarship may be cancelled. Students who are enrolled before the 15th (or on the 15th) of September are entitled to the full- month allowance, while those enrolled after the 15th of September are only entitled to half of the amount for the first month.

During the study period, for any student who is absent from China due to personal reasons for more than 15 days (excluding winter and summer breaks), the allowance during absence will be suspended.

For students who suspend study or drop out of school for personal reasons, or who are given disciplinary punishment by the host institutions, allowance will be terminated on the date of such suspension, dropping out or when the decision of such punishment is announced.

The living allowance for the month of graduation will be granted half a month after the date of graduation or expiration day of the study confirmed by host institutions.

Comprehensive medical insurance is purchased by the host institutions in accordance with relevant regulations of studying in China stipulated by the Ministry of Education of China. Insurance fee per person is 160 CNY for four-week study students, 400 CNY for one-semester students, and 800 CNY per year for students engaged in program longer than one academic year.


Application Documents for Confucius Institute Scholarship


A.     For all applicants

a)      A Scanned copy of passport photo page

b)      A scanned copy of score reports of the HSK and HSKK tests (within the two-year validity).

c)      A Recommendation letter by the head of the recommending institutions

B.     For degree scholarship program applicants

a)      A certification of the highest education diploma (or proof of expected graduation) and an official transcript.

b)      Applicants of the Scholarship for MTCSOL Students are required to provide 2 recommendation letters from professors or associate professors. Those who can provide a notarized employment agreement with teaching institutions are preferred.

C.     Applicants currently worked as Chinese language teachers shall provide the proof of employment as well as a recommendation letter from the employer.

D.     Applicants under the age of 18 shall provide certified documents of designation signed by their entrusted legal guardians in China.

E.      Applicants shall also provide additional documents required by the Hebei University.


We sincerely welcome you, the winners of Confucius Institute Scholarship, to study in Hebei University