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来源:国际交流中心 发布:2019-04-12 阅读:645





Republic of Niger Ambassador to China Moustapha Inoussa Visited Hebei University


        Republic of Niger ambassador to China Moustapha Inoussa and counsellor of education and culture Abdou Haladou were invited to visit Hebei University on the 12th of April. The two parties met in B2 conference room on new campus.

        Vice president of Hebei University Shigang Shen firstly welcomed them on behalf of the university, then introduced current situation and good development opportunities of our university, and retrospected good interaction between Niger Embassy in China and Hebei University. Shen expressed hope for future cooperation between the two sides. Ambassador Moustapha said it was a great honor to visit Hebei University co-established by the Ministry of Education and the government of Hebei Province, and expressed sincere appreciation to our university for cultivating excellent talents for the Republic of Niger. He also talked about the days when he was studying Chinese at Beijing Language and Culture University thirty years ago, showing his love and gratitude to China. Afterwards, the two sides made arrangements on strengthening educational exchanges and cooperation between Hebei University and universities in Niger, and reached a consensus on recommending Niger students to study in China, carrying out cooperative research in related disciplines, and inviting our faculty to Niger to promote Chinese Martial Arts.

        Staffs from Department of International Cooperation, College of International Exchange and Education and Hebei University Wushu Association attended this meeting. After the meeting, our guests went to the Tour Charity Exhibition of Dunhuang Fresco in College of Art, accompanied by vice president Shigang Shen and dean of College of International Exchange and Education Fuliang Guo.